Monday, June 3, 2024

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    HB and Chodrill Surprise Fans With “Gimme Love’ Collabo (Download)

    Determined to leave a very indelible musical mark, two budding Nigerian born singers, ‘HB’ and Chodrill, have just released a new single, titled ‘Gimmelove’ for the gyration of their female fans.
     The two multi-talented artistes who sing individually, had a deep thought and decided to put their good heads together to churn out an amazing song for all.
    With this best foot forward, the singers have affirmed their eagerness to warm their way into the hearts of music fans across the globe…continue

    Aside their unique vocal and focus, the duo remain confident about their song writing abilities and it would be interesting to see how they handle the rigid competitive world of music where creativity and originality take an interesting level of prominence.
    ‘Gimmelove’ was produced by Popito, the same brain behind the popular hit song shoki – by Orezi & Hold me now by Timaya.
    Quadri Ololade  Akorede AKA Chodrill who is currently a student of Business Administration in Ghana Telecom University, officially joined the Nigerian music industry few months ago. While Jackson Mba ‘HB’ is a musical genius who has gained lots of love and popularity from fans for his continues impressive performances and lyrical prowess.
    One of his hit songs, ‘Vanessa’, is still dominating the airwaves and receiving applaud from fans across the country.
    They have advised good music lovers to watch their space as they promise to remain unstoppable.
    You can follow HB on Instagram IG@HB_baddest & Twitter:@iam_HB 
    IG:@akoredequadri & Twitter :@chodrill 
    for more information and booking contact. A.M.O management: 08135037334,08060487765
    Meanwhile their intriguing video of Gimmelove is set to drop soon. 

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