Tuesday, June 11, 2024

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    Inmate freed with Kim’s help receives job offers

    Out-of-jail Paul Algarin says he is now in global demand as multiple job offers are pouring in every day.

    Kim Kardashian’s advocacy for prison reform had contributed immensely to Algarin’s freedom.

    Algarin, who served seven years at Central Prison in North Carolina told TMZ that he has been getting hit up by people from Nigeria, UK and beyond who want to team up with him in some fashion.

    Among the works are modelling and to work in a tattoo parlour.

    Kardashian and her husband Kanye West early in the month facilitated Algarin’s freedom from jail and eventually helped to remove his face tattoo.

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    This gesture came after it was revealed Kardashian had reportedly helped free as many as 17 inmates by secretly funding a criminal justice campaign.

    Algarin, a twin, was charged in 2013 with bringing guns to a Fayetteville high school.

    With the job offers rolling in, it is believed that the ex-convict would become useful to himself, family and the society.

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