Sunday, June 16, 2024

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    Gov. Makinde slashes LAUTECH’s tuition fees by 25% 

    Oyo State Governor, Seyi Makinde has announced a 25 percent reduction in school fees for students of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomosho.

    Makinde made the announcement on Tuesday June 1, during a brief interaction with the students at the school auditorium in Ogbomosho.

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    While making the announcement, the governor said the 25 percent reduction cut across the board. He noted that though LAUTECH tuition fees was the lowest among state-owned universities in the country, “but I have approved your demand on the tuition fees reduction.

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    The governor said: “I am glad to be back among you. After the 2019 election, I should have returned to say thank you, but I didn’t want to come until I fulfill what I promised you, which is the sole ownership of LAUTECH by Oyo State.

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