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    Actress, Angelina Jolie opens up about divorce from Brad Pitt and health

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    Actress and director, Angelina Jolie has finally opened up about her divorce from fellow actor, Brad Pitt and her recent health issue.


    In an interview with Vanity Fair released yesterday, the actress and mom of six gets totally frank about the impact her surprising split from Brad Pitt last year has had on their kids behind the scenes.

    But the actress also pulls no punches when revealing just how the break-up and upheaval of her family life has impacted her, too — even resulting in a few recent health scares.
    “It’s just been the hardest time,” the actress admitted, “and we’re just kind of coming up for air.”
    But while Jolie doesn’t profess to be out of the woods yet, she seems to be holding it all together; “I do not want my children to be worried about me,” the actress shared. “I think it’s very important to cry in the shower and not in front of them. They need to know that everything’s going to be all right even when you’re not sure it is.”

    The last year has certainly been an adjustment for the famously tight-knit family. Jolie says she and her clan spent the first nine months of that time living out of suitcases in a rental home, but have since resettled into a permanent home in Los Angeles reportedly worth million.

    And with it, she hopes will come a new and happy beginning.

    “[This house] is a big jump forward for us,” she shared, “and we’re all trying to do our best to heal as our family.”

    While Jolie didn’t share what exactly caused the split, she was pretty candid about just how deeply the events of the last year have impacted everyone in the family.

    “We’re all just healing from the events that led to the filing,” she shared. “They’re not healing from the divorce. They’re healing from some … from life, from things in life.”

    The actress admitted to Vanity Fair that the stress of the last year, coupled with her tendency to put everyone else first, has taken a toll on her health. Along with having bouts of hypertension, she was also diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy, a temporary condition where the muscles on one side of your face become paralyzed or weakened, and begin to stiffen or droop.

    At first, Jolie says she wasn’t sure what was wrong, and brushed off the symptoms. And her reasons why are all too relatable.

    “I can’t tell if it’s menopause or if it’s just been the year I’ve had,” she shared with Vanity Fair. “Sometimes women in families put themselves last until it manifests itself in their own health.

    I actually feel like more of a woman because I’m being smart about my choices, and I’m putting my family first, and I’m in charge of my life and my health,” Jolie shared. “I think that’s what makes a woman complete.


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