Monday, June 17, 2024

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    Actress Funke Akindele reacted to AMVCA nominations

    Nollywood actress and producer, Funke Akindele-Bello, has expressed her satisfaction after she was nominated for the 2022 Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards.

    The nominations were announced on Saturday by actors, Adesua Etomi-Wellington and Etim Effiong via a Livestream.

    Funke got nominated in at least six categories including ‘Best Costume Designer’, ‘Best Actress in a Comedy, ‘Best Movie West Africa’, ‘Best TV Series (Comedy/Drama)’, ‘Best Africa Magic Original Comedy Series, and ‘Best Overall Movie’.

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    In reaction to the nominations, the ‘Jenifa’ actress said, “I’m so gassed right now!!!

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    Thank you!”

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