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AGN secure deal to stop Actors coming out to beg fans for medical bills

AGN secure deal to stop Actors coming out to beg fans for medical bills

Finally Actors guild of Nigeria has signed a deal to restricting it’s members from coming out begging the public begging for funds.

Actors Guild of Nigeria achieved a historic milestone since its existence. We have graciously taken the welfare of our esteemed members high and above measure.

With your support and the support of the Excos of the AGN, we have successfully signed an MOU with Medicard Health Management as the approved official HMO and Health Management Services Provider of the Actors Guild of Nigeria.

Gentlemen and Ladies of the AGN, I am most delighted to inform you that our members will no longer resort to public begging for their health or medical needs. Each and every actor or actress in Nigeria henceforth will enjoy comprehensive HMO cover.

With the Partnership we have created with Medicard Health Management, all members of the AGN and independent actors and actresses in Nigeria will have access to over 600 Hospitals Nationwide for all their Health and Medical needs (Drugs and Treatment Inclusive).

In addition to this, we now have a Group Life Insurance Cover for all our members; with the partnership we have established with Medicard Nigeria, our members can now access Medical tourism overseas for Kidney Transplant and surgery; Our members can also use their cards to enjoy Discount purchases on Meat and Chicken stores nationwide, Automatic Car Insurance Renewal at zero cost and so much more.

We are able to achieve this milestone today because we believe that members of the AGN deserves the best. Actors and Actresses deserve the best and we will leave no stone unturned to make this a reality.

I hereby encourage us all to spread the good news and reach-out to the AGN Secretariat of your state, pick any Hospital of your choice to have yourself and your family onboarded on the HMO scheme. We are flagging off this wonderful initiative on 17th August 2020.

We need this and it’s fine for us.
Long Live The Actors Guild of Nigeria… Long Live The AGN

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