Sunday, June 16, 2024

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    Blackmailers on the loose! Abia People Know Their History

    By: Rev. Joseph Igwe

    It is common knowledge that only the ripe fruit attract public attention, either by admirers or those who envy the owner. No wonder the respected philanthropist Chief Ikechi Emenike towers above the crop of undesirable characters parading themselves as leaders of Abia State – to the ovation of many and consequently the envy of few contenders who would go extra mile on futile blackmail.

    These God forsaken “Pull Him Down” experts who are known to survive by looting state resources, serial blackmail, political irascibility and bloody rituals have regrouped themselves again to emasculate Abia fortunes come 2023 and their headache so far is the divine intervention of God through the revamped Abia APC led by the foremost crusader for good governance High Chief Ikechi Emenike – A man who stood out in opposition to poor infrastructure, moral decadence and political subjugation of Abia people over the years.

    The offence of Chief Emenike according to these Buccaneers is his unending penchant for accountability, rule of law and overwhelming grassroots organizations since 1999 ( a structure that threatens Elitist politicians).

    Chief Emenike has become a household name in Abia that primary school pupils often mistake him for the state governor in social debates and quiz competitions over the years – a dream whose reality is glaring up come 2023.
    High Chief Emenike is the golden fish of the state ocean, the proverbial ripe fruit of the political landscape; attracting attention of admirers and adversaries who certainly can never match his family pedigree, political contacts, education class, social clout and moral standard by records.

    A man who towers high above his contemporaries in all goodwill, yet humble and charitable enough to sacrifice his comfort, time and material resources for the course of the common-man in Abia. Such sacrifice deserves our commendation, not distractions and blackmail.

    The battle to liberate Abia from gross maladministration of the last 22 years is not just for development economists like Chief Ikechi Emenike but every Abian of goodwill, both home and abroad.

    It is not just enough to sit down complaining and wailing over the shameful decay in Abia State, We must rise to the occasion and join Chief Emenike and other leaders to mobilize support across the 184 wards, 17 local government areas in statewide agitation for a radical change come 2023 elections. Only then will these political nightmares be over and the lost glory of the once touted God’s Own State restored.

    This is a clarion call to State service and we must sincerely join in this project for posterity sake.


    Rev. Joseph Igwe writes from Uzuakoli, Abia State.

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