Sunday, June 16, 2024

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      Bold women face difficulties in Nigeria – Moet Abebe

    In a recent interview on Cool FM Nigeria with host Tacha, Moet Abebe, a popular Nollywood actress and media personality, stirred controversy by asserting that the internet, particularly in Nigeria, holds disdain for outspoken women.

    Speaking on her experiences, especially on the Bahd And Boujee Podcast where she co-hosts alongside Tolani Baj, Abebe highlighted the backlash faced by women who assert their opinions. She emphasized that women expressing their preferences and desires face disapproval from the online community.

    “The internet, in general, doesn’t seem to like outspoken women,” Abebe stated, addressing the trend she’s observed. She further elaborated, “As long as you are a woman that is coming out to say this is what I like, this is what I don’t like, this is what I want, this is what I don’t want, the internet doesn’t like it.”

    Former reality star and host, Tacha, echoed Abebe’s sentiments, reinforcing the notion that assertive women often encounter negativity online.

    This revelation by Moet Abebe sheds light on the challenges faced by outspoken women in the digital sphere, highlighting societal attitudes towards women who confidently express their thoughts and opinions.

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