Sunday, June 16, 2024

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    Despite my age/pressure, I did not go against God, 56-yr-old Abiara’s new wife

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    Grace, the wife of the immediate past General Evangelist of the Christ Apostolic Church Worldwide, Prophet Samuel Abiara, got married as a virgin at 56. .

    In a recent interview with Ademola Olonilua of Punchng, she shared her experience.

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    About why she didn’t marry till she was 56, she said: “You can see what happened in the life of Abraham, Sarah and Haggai. .

    That is the perfect example of my life. Despite my age, I did not go against the word of God. Immediately the Holy Spirit said something about a particular suitor, I listened. Everyone that came was rejected by the Holy Spirit. .

    I prayed myself; I did not need to meet any man of God. When my husband asked me to marry him, I talked to God and the revelation came without any delay.

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    The devil would make every effort to derail you but when you are focused and determined and you ask for the grace of God, He would lead you.

    It got to a stage where the devil started telling me that was it not obvious that I was ageing and kept urging me to settle for anyone that came my way.

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    I never gave up. .

    I remember telling God a year before I got married that I had never asked Him for a birthday gift but He should give me my own birthday gift by granting my heart desire last year and he proved himself. .

    I faced a lot of pressure but I had God on my side. I faced pressure to the extent that my family, friends began to tell me to marry just anybody even if the person was not a Christian. .

    Anytime I got such advice, all I used to say was ‘okay’. I never fought them because I knew that it was borne out of the love and care they felt towards me. If they did not care, they would just be watching me.”


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