Sunday, June 16, 2024

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    EndSARS: Gov. Makinde vows to compensate families of slain police officers

    Oyo State Governor, Engineer Seyi Makinde, on Monday, pledged that the state will compensate families of Policemen who lost their lives during the #EndSARS protests, which were hijacked by hoodlums recently.

    The governor, who stated this while speaking at the Oyo State Headquarters of the Nigeria Police Force, Eleyele, Ibadan, said that the families will be compensated from the N500 million fund already set aside to compensate victims of police brutality and injustice.

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    A statement by the Chief Press Secretary to Governor Makinde, Mr. Taiwo Adisa, indicated that the governor equally commiserated with officers and men of the Police Command over the loss of their officers as well as destruction of a number of structures and equipment.

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    He stated that the state government will not leave the Police to walk alone, adding that the government will continue to work together with the force to make Oyo State safe and secure for residents.

    He equally urged the Police to put the experience of the last few weeks behind them and join hands with the government to rebuild the nation and create a better society.

    He maintained that the cooperation of the Police is needed to bring to book arsonists, anarchists and killers, stating that the government and the people of Oyo State are solidly behind the Police and that they would work together to make the state better.

    The meeting had in attendance the Garrison Commander of the 2 Division of the Nigerian Army, Brigadier General Adesoji Ogunsugba and the DIG Research and Planning, Force Headquarters, Leye Oyebade and other top police officers of the Command.

    The governor said: “I announced that the government has set up an initial N500m Victim Compensation Fund.

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