Sunday, June 16, 2024

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    I’m a smooth operator, no girlfriend can get pregnant for me — Adekunle Gold boasts

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    Adekunle Kosoko , aka Adekunle Gold , speaks in a recent interview about his childhood , music career and other issues.
    According to him: “I’m from a very modest background. I attended public schools . My father is a principal while my mother is a teacher . I really enjoyed growing up in Ikotun and that was where I learnt most of the things I know . I later went to the Lagos State Polytechnic to study Arts.”
    On plans to have a baby mama, the hit maker says “I don’t want that for myself . It will be a disgrace to my family if I have a child born out of wedlock . I can only speak for myself . I was not brought up that way. There is no way  a lady can ‘mistakenly ’ get pregnant for me.
    Why should such mistakes happen? There is a way you can protect yourself . 
    I cannot have sex with a lady without using a condom. For me , it is just wise to do the right thing . I don’ t want to find myself in any drama .
    I am decent in anything I do. I’m a smooth operator.”


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