Sunday, June 16, 2024

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    Importance of portion size during dieting

    It’s safe to say that by looking at the foods listed here, we could all agree that they are “healthy.” Well unless you’re asking the keto lot then maybe not the rice and banana.

    But regardless of how healthy and even nutrient dense the foods you’re eating are, if your goal is fat loss, you still have to pay attention to portion size. Especially when you’re eating more calorie dense foods like avocado, peanut butter, nuts, dried fruit, etc.

    In isolation, the calorie difference between the two serving sizes in these picture seems minimal. But if you’re eating an extra 20 calories here and an extra 50 calories there, and doing so over multiple meals, eventually it’s going to add up. And these seemingly little oversights can be a reason why your weight won’t budge.

    What’s tricky about eyeballing portions is that the variance between a small and a medium or an extra ounce or lick is often nothing more than a few more bites, which is hardly noticeable when you’re actually eating. .

    If you’re used to eyeballing your portions, keep in mind it’s easy to underestimate how many calories you’re actually taking in. Or, if you are tracking your foods in an app but only using generic metrics like small or medium rather than exact amounts, there can be quite a bit of discrepancy. .

    This isn’t to say you must always be 100% precise with your tracking. If you’ve been seeing results simply eyeballing your portions, then keep at it.

    But if you’ve found yourself at a plateau that you just can’t seem to break, try being a little more meticulous with your measuring by using a digital food scale to measure your portions. The difference in what you think you’re eating and how much you actually are might be shocking. .

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