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    Nkechi Blessing Net Worth and Age 2024 Updated

    Nkechi Blessing Sunday is a Nigerian actress, filmmaker, and entrepreneur. She was born on February 14, 1989, in Surulere, Lagos State, Nigeria. She is the first child of her parents and has four siblings.

    Early Life and Education.

    Nkechi Blessing had her primary and secondary education in Surulere, Lagos State, Nigeria. She later proceeded to the University of Lagos, where she obtained a degree in Theatre Arts.


    Nkechi Blessing began her acting career in 2008 and has since featured in over 100 movies. She is known for her roles in movies such as “Omoge Lekki”, “Omo Ghetto”, “Omo Bewaji”, and “Omo Emi”. In 2021, she produced her first movie titled “The Cleanser”.


    Nkechi Blessing has won several awards for her outstanding performances in the Nigerian movie industry. Some of her awards include;

    • The City People Movie Award for Best Supporting Actress of the Year (Yoruba) in 2018 and 2019.
    • The Best Actress in a Supporting Role at the Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards in 2020.

    Latest News.

    In October 2023, Nkechi Blessing addressed rumors about her relationship status with her boyfriend, Xxssive. She noted that she owes no one an explanation.


    Nkechi Blessing is currently 34 years old. She is not married and has a son named Elijah Novis.

    Parents, Cars, Houses.

    There is no information available about Nkechi Blessing’s parents, cars, or houses. However, she has expressed her desire to own a house in Banana Island, Lagos State, Nigeria.


    Nkechi Blessing’s aspirations include becoming a successful businesswoman and a philanthropist.

    Usual Words.

    Nkechi Blessing is known for her catchphrase “Egungun be careful na express you dey go”.

    Net Worth.

    Nkechi Blessing Net Worth is $500,000 (38 BN) 2024

    FAQs on Nkechi Blessing.

    What is Nkechi Blessing's real name?

    Nkechi Blessing’s real name is Nkechi Blessing Sunday.

    How old is Nkechi Blessing?

    Nkechi Blessing is currently 34 years old.

    Is Nkechi Blessing married?

    No, Nkechi Blessing is not married.

    Does Nkechi Blessing have any children?

    Yes, Nkechi Blessing has a son named Elijah Novis.

    What is Nkechi Blessing's net worth?

    Nkechi Blessing’s net worth is estimated to be around $500,000 (38 BN) 2024

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