Sunday, June 16, 2024

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    Nollywood Filmmaker, Olaribigbe Sarumi marks birthday in USA despite COVID-19

    Popular Nollywood Filmmaker, Olaribigbe Sarumi who is currently stuck in United States due to the COVID-19 pandemic is marking his birthday today, Sunday June 7.

    Nollywood Filmmaker, Olaribigbe Sarumi

    The seasoned producer cum actor who had made it an annual event to visit orphanages and less privileged homes in Nigeria during his birthday, sadly, couldn’t make that possible in 2020.

    Nollywood Filmmaker, Olaribigbe Sarumi

    The reason is not far-fetched; the emergence of COVID-19 which led to the restriction of international flights.

    We reliably gathered that Olaribigbe Sarumi is not giving up on this as plans are still in the pipeline to express his kind heart to the needy even after the pandemic.

    Nollywood Filmmaker, Olaribigbe Sarumi
    Nollywood Filmmaker, Olaribigbe Sarumi

    For his birthday, Olaribigbe Sarumi has decided to have a low profile party with his few family and friends based in USA.

    We wish the New York film academy California campus graduate a Happy Birthday celebration and Greater years ahead.

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