Sunday, June 16, 2024

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    Respecting and Obeying your pastor above your spouse is adultery – Reno Omokri

    Controversial pastor, Reno Omokri has stated that adultery goes beyond just cheating on one’s spouse by sleeping with another person.

    According to him, adultery also occurs when one respects and obeys a pastor, in-laws or a friend above his or her spouse.
    He wrote:

    “Adultery is not only when you have extramarital intercourse. As a married person, when you honour, respect and obey your pastor, in law or friend above your spouse, you adulterate your marriage and undermine spousal unity. 2 is company. 3 is a crowd.

    He went ahead to give instances of ways people commit adultery in a way different from the usual.

    “You are offered a job, you go and consult your friend before your spouse. You don’t honour your husband, but you kneel down to talk to your pastor on the phone. Your parents and siblings know things before your spouse.

    Are you really married or is your spouse just a convenience?
    #FreeLeahSharibu #RenosNuggets”

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