Saturday, June 15, 2024

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    Your sacrifices in voting for me will not be a waste – President Buhari promises Nigerians

    As the second term continue, President Buhari has said that the sacrifices Nigerians made in voting him again into office during the 2019 general election, will never be in vain. The President gave the assurance in his special Sallah message to celebrate the end of the Ramadan fast.

    In a statement released by his Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, the President said before the 2019 elections, prophets of doom had predicted that the elections will not be peaceful.

    However, despite their predictions, Nigerians came out enmass to vote for him. He pledged to ensure that the voters feel the positive impact of his administration.

    “Before the 2019 general elections, prophets of doom did not give the country a chance to conduct peaceful elections. Despite these fears, the country overcame its political challenges.

    For abandoning their businesses in order to vote, the voters had demonstrated great patriotism in coming out to exercise their civic duty. Let me use this opportunity once again to reassure all Nigerians that your sacrifices in voting for me won’t be in vain.

    I will ensure the ordinary voters feel the positive impact of government.” the statement read
    President Buhari urged Muslims to always put humanity before personal interests.

    “The Ramadan period is meant to reinforce us spiritually. Therefore, we should use religion as an inspiration to do good at all times.

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    The virtues of the Ramadan should be sustained beyond the celebration.

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    Going back to bad ways after the Ramadan might defeat the essence of the message and lessons the fasting period was supposed to inculcate in the hearts and minds of the Muslim faithful,” he said.

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    President Buhari commiserates with victims of terrorism, kidnapping and banditry in the country and assured that, “Their days are numbered because this administration will pursue them relentlessly and bring them to justice.”

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