Sunday, June 16, 2024

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    Yul Edochie sparks heated reactions on Instagram reopens comment section with love saga 

    Nollywood actor Yul Edochie has honored his promise by reopening his Instagram comment section following days of intense controversy involving his estranged wife, May Edochie.

    Recently, Yul had announced his intention to allow public comments on his page for those who wished to criticize or express their opinions. Despite this, he expressed gratitude to well-wishers who reached out, assuring them of his well-being and requesting posthumous birthday wishes for his late son from those who still cared for him.

    Taking to his Instagram, Yul shared a video with Judy Austin, signaling the comment section’s reopening. His caption, 

    “The comment section is now open,” resulted in an influx of comments, including many negative ones.

    The actor began the new year embroiled in controversy after publicly confronting his estranged wife, May. Yul revealed personal details about May’s alleged surgeries without his consent and accused her of manipulation, vowing an end to his silence in 2024. Despite his earlier strong statements, Yul surprisingly promised to refrain from further public criticism due to concerns for their children, highlighting his belief in speaking out rather than keeping silent in the face of adversity.

    This development arose after May shared her emotional struggles of the past year, citing catastrophic events and the loss of her child. Her reflection contradicted Yul’s own perspective, where he described 2023 as a year of achievements and divine blessings.

    Netizens reacted passionately to the video shared by Yul, expressing mixed emotions about the ongoing public saga. Some sympathized with May’s hardships and her willingness to share her emotional journey, while others supported Yul’s decision to prioritize his family amidst the ongoing controversy. The unfolding drama on Yul’s social media platform has sparked intense reactions among followers, leaving many eager to witness the next chapter in this ongoing saga.

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