Saturday, July 27, 2024

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    Benefits Of S3x Timetable (must read for married couples only)

    “The feelings and urge came in a full force, and a mere look at your wife doubles your hard-on. You are fully prepared for the battle on all corners of the bed. 
    Hurriedly, you dash to the bathroom for a cool shower, sprayed some nice perfumes, all in the name of getting ready ‘savor a conjugal bliss’. 
    As you lay back on the bed, fantasizing on the unique styles and positions to display for the night, suddenly something struck your mind: It is a Tuesday- sex free day. What would be your next line of action? “


    S3x timetable? Good or bad. The answer lies in your hands. But imagine a situation where a couple for one reason or the other decided to adopt a s3x timetable and unfortunately for the man most of his heat days usually collide with her red Robot day (menstrual period). In such a situation, would you suggest a carryover over or you swallow the hard pill while patiently waiting for another day to come.

    Guys, just imagine a situation whereby you felt the itch and scratch below your belt, all that occupied your mind was the best way to get rid of the liquid force tormenting your third leg.

    The feelings and urge came in a full force, and a mere look at your wife doubles your hard-on. You are fully prepared for the battle on all corners of the bed. 

    Hurriedly, you dash to the bathroom for a cool shower, sprayed some nice perfumes, all in the name of getting ready ‘savor a conjugal bliss’. 

    As you lay back on the bed, fantasizing on the unique styles and positions to display for the night, suddenly something struck your mind: It is a Tuesday- sex free day. What would be your next line of action? Give up and pray that tomorrow would hold better chances for you? Or you would be forced to promise her heaven on earth if only she would allow you access to her treasure island? 

    Men over to you, what would you do in such a scenario when what some funky guys call ‘Konji’ is at its peak? Chichi wouldn’t mind if you share your thoughts with her.

    Funnily enough, if your woman fell for your promises, tricks or sweet-talks and allowed you have your way into her Honey Pot, then the laws of s3x timetable has been violated, because if you have your way once, then the chances that you would get a good laying another day is on the high side.

    Some women are also not acting it right. Some use any slightest opportunity of sexual intercourse to make material demands from their partner.

    Your husband wants to bang you. You know he wants it real bad. You know the signs. You know that naughty wink. His sexual hunger has been building. He couldn’t wait to get you alone. Then he finally corners you in his bedroom. He got you there under a pretext. The children are probably watching television. He wants it. 

    You could feel his pulsating manhood biting you through the thickness of his trousers. You capitalized on that hunger. Just as he was so engrossed smooching your soft spots; your neck, caressing and fondling those secret places, you asked him to give you money for the wrappers you bought from Mama Ebuka last month. Kai! 

    Why then? Couldn’t you have waited until after the show?
    I put this analogy across to the lady and she calls it the technique to get your wants from your man, especially if he’s a stingy one. Knowing his weak point was sex. 

    She sees nothing wrong in asking for material things from her hubby during sexual solicitation. Do you agree with her? How do men feel about it? The guy may feel exploited, but he has no choice than to succumb, because his manhood doesn’t care to know what his suffering, it just wants to get into that wet sweet hole and pump in and out.

    Some ladies have some men as being soft when their balls are concerned. For some men, this may be true. Once they want it, they want it. They wouldn’t mind promising the babe heaven on earth, just so they can bury that shaft down her warm cavity. They think with their balls. With such sexually weak men, taking money from them, in the throes of passion is as easy as chewing groundnut with popcorn! But is it a good idea?

    Haven’t you noticed the way a guy treats you if you don’t always demand things from him? Respect is earned, not bought. Try to earn respect from your man. Show him that even if he decides to take a bow and walk out of the relationship today, you jolly well can do without him; at least financially. The less you demand, the more he would realize you love him and not his money. And for crying out loud, why ask your guy money in the heat of a bang or when you’re about to start? It kills the fun.

    It means you’re equating yourself with the status of a
     prostitute. Where have all our love and respect gone? Come on sisters, put on your thinking caps! If you make love with a clause, you make yourself cheap. You’re indirectly telling you partner that he can buy you at a certain price. Allow a guy to get to know you before springing the whole lot of your troubles on him. Have you ever wondered why he picked you among all the other ladies? 

    Please don’t make him regret. If he truly cares for you, as soon as he gets close to you, he’ll see those troubles of yours. Don’t make him bolt before he knows how special you are. Don’t make money the corner stone of s3x with a partner.

    Join Chichi again next Friday for more on love, sex and relationships. For previous articles, read HERE and HERE and HERE.

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