Friday, June 14, 2024

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    Court awards N1m to actress beaten by a soldier

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    The 6 Division, Nigerian Army, Port Harcourt, has been found guilty of human rights violation against an actress Ebere Ohakwe, by a Federal High Court, sitting in Port Harcourt, Rivers State

    The court awarded N1 million in favour of Ohakwe against the Army and ordered the Division to tender an unreserved apology to the applicant. .

    The trial Judge, Justice Adamu Turaki Mohammed of High Court 5, noted that the applicant proved her case, adding that she was entitled to reliefs she sought and restrained the defendants from carrying out further unlawful actions against her. .

    Recall that in January, 2017, the applicant was allegedly brutalised by one Olamilekan Suleiman, while traveling to Onitsha. He had accused her of discussing him with her friend, during a stop and search, an allegation Ohakwe denied.


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