Sunday, June 16, 2024

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    Herdsmen arrested for attacking, robbing a family and defiling their 16yr old daughter

    Two out of three herdsmen, who went into hiding after attacking a family in a farm settlement in Ogun State, dispossessed them of a cash sum of N140,000 and thereafter raped a 16-year-old girl, have been arrested.

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    The suspect, Abu Adamu and Muhammadu Aliyu, alongside their third accomplice who is now at large, allegedly committed the crime on Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at Afowowa Gbelu Village in Ewekoro Local Goverment Council Area of the state.

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    According to the State’s Police Spokesperson, DSP Abimbola Oyeyemi, the suspects , invaded a farm settlement at Afowowa Gbelu village in Ewekoro Local Government Council Area of the state and were attacking a family living in the farm settlement.

    The suspects ransacked the house of one Aminat Okeshola, dispossessed the family of a cash sum of one hundred and forty thousand naira after which, they took a 16-year-old daughter of the family to a cassava plantation, where they took turns on her.

    He said that following a distress call , policemen swiftly swung into action and combed the entire area and succeeded in arresting two of the suspects, who took to hiding in a nearby bush on sighting the detectives, while the third suspect escaped. The two arrested suspects were immediately identified by the victims.

    However,the state Commissioner of Police, Edward Awolowo Ajogun, has ordered a manhunt for the fleeing member of the gang.

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