Monday, June 17, 2024

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    How Don Jazzy reacted to alleged rape allegation against D’banj

    Music producer, Don Jazzy has lend a voice in the alleged rape allegation against his former business partner D’banj, that has been trending for over a week on social media.

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    Don Jazzy who urged all victims to speak up, affirmed that it is also important that every accused person is given an opportunity to set the facts straight.

    He tweeted;

    No matter how long a lie lasts, the truth will always prevail. The fact is that one of them is a victim and the law will protect that person.

    I stand firmly against rape and all injustices against women, children and everyone including oppression.

    I urge all victims to speak out and report to the appropriate quarters. It is also important that every accused person is given an opportunity to set the facts straight.

    For most of us, all we have is the good name our parents have given us and we must protect and bequeath to our own successors.

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    This particular case saddens my soul but I am not competent to investigate or judge this matter. I implore the police to thoroughly investigate and courts to do justice.

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