Sunday, June 16, 2024

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    How I went from blindness to gospel star – Chidinma Ekile shares her miraculous journey 

    In a heartfelt revelation, Chidinma Ekile, a beloved figure in Nigeria’s gospel music scene, shared her incredible life story of overcoming blindness. Born unable to see, Chidinma’s early life was a challenging journey for her and her family. Despite numerous medical attempts, nothing seemed to work, leading her parents, especially her mother, to turn to faith.

    “My start in life was a real test of faith,” Chidinma recalls. “I was born blind, unable to open my eyes. My parents did everything medically possible, but nothing worked.” It was her mother’s unwavering belief and dedication to prayer and fasting that marked the beginning of a miracle. 

    “She didn’t really believe it would work, but she committed to prayer and fasting,” Chidinma says.

    The miracle happened as Chidinma’s eyes finally opened after these intense prayers, showing a vivid crimson color. 

    “It was an unbelievable moment,” she shares. Her mother had made a vow during her prayers: to dedicate Chidinma back to God if her sight was restored. This experience deeply influenced Chidinma’s path, leading her to the church and gospel music.

    Chidinma’s story is not just about her journey into music but also a powerful narrative of faith, hope, and the miraculous power of belief.

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