Sunday, June 16, 2024

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    More woes for Tunde Ednut as Instagram deletes his page for the third time in a row

    This is not best of times for controversial Instagram blogger cum entertainer, Tunde Ednut who just suffered another big loss as Instagram deleted his page for the third time in four months.

    This comes barely a month after his new Instagram page ‘Kingtundeednut to returned the social media app.

    A search on the deleted page shows the message “user not found”. However, multiple cloned and backup pages appear, but his new which page has garnered over a million followers is not found.

    Kemifilani recalls that Tunde Ednut on multiple occasions, has been alleged of degrading and body-shaming women, cyberbullying of celebrities, and engaging in spamming activities against Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram community guidelines.

    Different reactions have trailed the removal of his page on Instagram;
    efe_bea: Omo,who this guy offend?😢

    sydneyiwundu: Why is Instagram like this naw 😡😡😡😡😡

    pino_init: Why are you happy for another man down fall? This bloggers you all do the unthinkable and feel it’s normal 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

    iam_okey1: Was thinking he blocked me self 😂😂😂

    tonia_gram_: Maybe he deactivated it again for the main time. Haters full everywhere na 😢

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