Saturday, June 15, 2024

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    Patronise made in Nigeria goods to strengthen Naira — Pres. Tinubu tells Nigerians

    President Bola Tinubu has urged Nigerians to patronise made in Nigeria goods in order to strengthen the Naira.

    The president, who spoke through his special adviser on Media and Publicity, Ajuri Ngelale, at the state house in Abuja said the government is focusing on patronizing and purchasing made in Nigeria goods.

    According to Ngelale, “President Bola Tinubu wants to communicate very clearly to our people, that there has never been a more important time in our history to actively agree together. That we will patronize and purchase made in Nigeria products across all value chains across all sectors.

    We want the spending power of our people to go up. We want every Naira and kobo we earn to be more valuable not just here. But when we travel abroad.

    In addition to that, Mr. President beyond the appeal to Nigerians to actively and intentionally make that decision every day to patronize made in Nigeria products and services across board. He also wants to ensure that Nigerians fully understand that the momentum that we are now seeing with respect to the strengthening of our currency is not going to slow down.”

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