Sunday, June 16, 2024

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    Those calling for my removal, suspension will meet their waterloo soon ― Oluwo

    Against the backdrop of gale of protest pushing for his suspension over recent alleged attack on Agbowu of Ogbaagba, Oba Dhikirulai Akinropo, the Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdulrasheed Adewale Akanbi, on Monday said those calling for his removal and suspension would soon meet their waterloo.

    He declared that his critics should leave him to God and stop judging him on the social media, saying “Nigerians, outside Iwoland are ignorant of the true situation things and the hardship some monarchs in their domains are inflicting on their subjects.” In a personnally signed statement, which was forwarded to journalists in Osogbo, Oba Akanbi said: “for those, who care to know the background to the Ologbagba’s arrongant attitude at the AIG Zone 11 peace meeting, I have decided to break my silence.

    What played out at peace meeting was a gang up to twist my hands backward and prevent me from defending these poor people they have continued to oppress with impunity.” According to him, “it was a case of the oppressor fighting back against the defender of the oppressed, their victims.

    In the course of the meeting, the Ologbagba tried to play out their orchestrated plan when he tried to poke his walking stick in my eyes and I quickly responded to prevent him from achieving their plan, to turn me to a blind king.” “These monarchs are lording themselves over their subjects, taking their family lands, selling their inheritance with impunity. They go as far as arresting and imprisoning anyone in these families, who tried to obstruct them from selling their heritage.

    Oba Akanbi continued: “I found the complaints and protests of these people to be true after I had carried out my own personal investigation. I am disappointed when most Nigerians allow sentiments to overide their sense of reasoning and hail bad leaders.

    But I have vowed to continuously fight corruption in the traditional system just like president Buhari is fighting political corruption by turning deaf hear to critics.

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