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    Why I Married A Single Mother Today- Kalu Ikeagwu shares his love story with GPM in an explosive interview

    One of the most eligible bachelors in Nigeria movie industry, Kalu Ikeagwu is getting married to his heartthrob, Ijeoma, today, June 25, in Enugu State. 
    The popular fine boy actor however, made his big day private and not glamorous like other celebrities had done in the past.
    In an interview with Goldenpearlmedia, the excited groom shares his love story and why he didn’t end up with an actress.

    Why did you make your wedding so private?
    I’m a very private person and I don’t want a lot of crowd. It’s not a secret, some blogs have written about it. I don’t like noise and for me the most important thing is the marriage itself. The wedding is just to say to everybody that before God and man that I am married to this person. The main thing is the marriage and it matters a lot where I am from.

    So how you feel?
    I am excited about my marriage but nothing much about my wedding.

    Are you saying this because a lot of celebrity marriages keep breaking up these days?
    Whether they keep breaking up is non of my business. The truth is that the celebrities represent the micro part of the larger society. And in the larger society, divorce rate are really on the increase. I can attest to that because some of my friends are in that situation as well. But that is not my business, my business is my own marriage. People have asked me many times in the past why I was not married and the reason is that marriage is very important to me. If I wanted a fantastic wedding that everyone would come to, I would have done that years ago but because marriage is very important to me, I was taking my time. The wedding, what I would have loved was I and her wedding and going off to somewhere private but because it’s very important for the family to get to know one another and also for people to know my woman out there and if anyone dares touch her, I break the persons bones. Basically that’s what it is.

    Do you see yourself growing very old, like up to using a walking stick with her?
    Growing old, yes, but I don’t know about walking stick. I don’t think I want to see myself going about with a walking stick.

    You don’t wish to use a walking stick when you are like 95 years old?
    I told God I want maintain my vigor, what I mean by vigor is being about to satisfy my wife even when I am 90. I don’t want to be walking frail kind of old.

    Is that even possible..?

    Oh, It’s possible, watch me. I will be the first person. Not using a walking stick means I will be erect and I will be able to trot if not am not able to jug.

    Some of your fans where expecting that you would end up with an actress, what do you think of that?
    Someone asked me that question before. He asked who would I marry? Would I marry an actress? and I said if that is the person for me, I would marry an actress. The person I am getting married to is from the entertainment industry as well. She is a make up artiste amongst other things that she does. I got to a point in my life where I was trying to get the perfect person for me. I found out that maybe I was the problem and not the women. Because all the women I dated before we’re very wonderful women. They had good character. I got to a point where I told God to make a choice for me because I recognized that I am flawed as a human being. I had two conditions that I cannot compromise on. First, the person has to love God more I do and the second is that I want a companion throughout my years, whether she is beautiful or ugly, local or sophisticated; thin or fat, I did not care. All I wanted was a companion that I will be happy with and God answered my prayers.

    Are you that religious?
    Religious, you could call it that. I have known God from a young age but only until recently when I had lots of frustrations from doing what I wanted to do. Doing what I felt was best for me in my life. I went through a terrible experience that made me understand that there is a consequence to every path you take and if there was major consequences to every part you take here on earth, what about the place we are going after here. So, in exclusion of every pastor, I had to go and look for God myself and I found him. Since then I understand that there is nothing that exist here on earth that is not orchestrated from up there. Hence my ‘religiousness’

    Are you that Romantic?
    I wouldn’t call it being romantic. I call it what the other person would like. I don’t see myself as a romantic person.

    Others will call it being romantic…
    When you say romantic, I get scared. Like ‘Oh my God I have to get down on my knees, buy flowers everyday and all that. It’s scary am not that person.

    So, how did you propose?
    I told you I am not a Romantic person. I proposed indirectly and under pressure.

    We would love to know the details…
    I proposed indirectly like I said earlier and I put her on the spot. Immediately it occurred to me that I cannot let her go, that she is a keeper and someone I cannot afford to loose. At my uncles funeral, when we were about to start the funeral. I was speaking with one of my uncles when she came to me to collect my car key and I held her by the waist and told my uncle that she is the one I want to marry. He looked at me and said, “are you sure? I said I was very sure. He turned to her and asked her if I was her choice and she shyly said Yes.

    Tell us about the fashion side of the wedding, what are you wearing? A tuxedo or just normal suit?
    I am wearing a three piece suit and I have been exercising like mad for it to be able to fit.

    Which designer?
    I would rather celebrate our indigienious designers. But Vans kere is making my traditional outfit.

    What do you like wearing?
    I love wearing t-shirts, Polo shirts and jeans. Then sneakers when I am not shooting.

    You are rarely seen wearing suits, only in movies, why is that?
    I detest suits. I don’t like suits at all because it reminds me of school uniforms which I also hate. This was the reason I didn’t join the army or the air force. The uniform and their regulations that stops me from joining. I love their activities, how to shoot a gun and the combat.

    Since you are getting married, are there some roles you will give up acting?
    I have a step daughter and I keep asking my wife-to-be which of my movies has she seen. If it’s the one I was a bad guy or the ones where I am a good guy. So I thought about this question you just asked and I realized that I am like a role model to my family. My family would have to inform the roles I take on from now wards. I might not be going naked in any movies anytime soon. I don’t think I will give up being a bad guy in movies so far as it teaches something. But if will be vulgar, I would hands off

    You said you have a step daughter?
    Yes, Ijeoma has a daughter so I do have a step daughter.

    How many babies do you want? Would you like to have a full house?
    What? A full house? I only want to change pampers only once or two times. I love my quiet but I can mature and manage with two. Two children are enough.
    Another fear I have about having my own children is that they might take my personality.

    What is wrong with your personality?
    Oh you wouldn’t like how I was when I was growing up. I marked every wall in my parents house. I poured water at the back television sets. I look into the back of the television set to see what’s going on and a shout ‘oh! That’s fire, let’s put the fire out and I pour water’. I did things that I am afraid of seeing my own children do.

    You are bidding farewell to single life and ladies who have crush on you, Any special message for them?
    What ladies? I only know one and that’s my wife to be. To any other female out there who may think they missed out because they were not with me, I will tell them ‘I am not that much of a catch’. Trust God to choose your partner for you. You will find better men than me. I learned that from my personal experience.

    Why I made my wedding private-Kalu Ikeagwu


    Why I didn’t end up with an actress- Kalu Ikeagwu

    By Rita Okoye

    One of the most eligible bachelors in Nigeria movie industry, Kalu Ikeagwu is getting married to his heartthrob, Ijeoma, tomorrow, June 25, in Enugu State. The popular fine boy actor however, made his big day private and not glamorous like other celebrities had done in the past.
    In an interview with The Entertainer, the excited groom shares his love story and why he didn’t end up with an actress.

    You are getting married tomorrow but on low key, are you scared of anyone?
    I’m a very private person and I don’t want a lot of crowd. It’s not a secret, some blogs have written about it. I don’t like noise and for me the most important thing is the marriage itself. The wedding is just to say to everybody that before God and man that I am married to this person. The main thing is the marriage and it matters a lot where I am from.

    So how you feel?
    I am excited about my marriage but nothing much about my wedding.

    Are you saying this because a lot of celebrity marriages keep breaking up these days?
    Whether they keep breaking up is non of my business. The truth is that the celebrities represent the micro part of the larger society. And in the larger society, divorce rate are really on the increase. I can attest to that because some of my friends are in that situation as well. But that is not my business, my business is my own marriage. People have asked me many times in the past why I was not married and the reason is that marriage is very important to me. If I wanted a fantastic wedding that everyone would come to, I would have done that years ago but because marriage is very important to me, I was taking my time. The wedding, what I would have loved was I and her wedding and going off to somewhere private but because it’s very important for the family to get to know one another and also for people to know my woman out there and if anyone dares touch her, I break the persons bones. Basically that’s what it is.

    Do you see yourself growing very old, like up to using a walking stick with her?
    Growing old, yes, but I don’t know about walking stick. I don’t think I want to see myself going about with a walking stick.

    You don’t wish to use a walking stick when you are like 95 years old?
    I told God I want maintain my vigor, what I mean by vigor is being about to satisfy my wife even when I am 90. I don’t want to be walking frail kind of old.

    Is that even possible..?

    Oh, It’s possible, watch me. I will be the first person. Not using a walking stick means I will be erect and I will be able to trot if not am not able to jug.

    Some of your fans where expecting that you would end up with an actress, what do you think of that?
    Someone asked me that question before. He asked who would I marry? Would I marry an actress? and I said if that is the person for me, I would marry an actress. The person I am getting married to is from the entertainment industry as well. She is a make up artiste amongst other things that she does. I got to a point in my life where I was trying to get the perfect person for me. I found out that maybe I was the problem and not the women. Because all the women I dated before we’re very wonderful women. They had good character. I got to a point where I told God to make a choice for me because I recognized that I am flawed as a human being. I had two conditions that I cannot compromise on. First, the person has to love God more I do and the second is that I want a companion throughout my years, whether she is beautiful or ugly, local or sophisticated; thin or fat, I did not care. All I wanted was a companion that I will be happy with and God answered my prayers.

    Are you that religious?
    Religious, you could call it that. I have known God from a young age but only until recently when I had lots of frustrations from doing what I wanted to do. Doing what I felt was best for me in my life. I went through a terrible experience that made me understand that there is a consequence to every path you take and if there was major consequences to every part you take here on earth, what about the place we are going after here. So, in exclusion of every pastor, I had to go and look for God myself and I found him. Since then I understand that there is nothing that exist here on earth that is not orchestrated from up there. Hence my ‘religiousness’

    Are you that Romantic?
    I wouldn’t call it being romantic. I call it what the other person would like. I don’t see myself as a romantic person.

    Others will call it being romantic…
    When you say romantic, I get scared. Like ‘Oh my God I have to get down on my knees, buy flowers everyday and all that. It’s scary am not that person.

    So, how did you propose?
    I told you I am not a Romantic person. I proposed indirectly and under pressure.

    We would love to know the details…
    I proposed indirectly like I said earlier and I put her on the spot. Immediately it occurred to me that I cannot let her go, that she is a keeper and someone I cannot afford to loose. At my uncles funeral, when we were about to start the funeral. I was speaking with one of my uncles when she came to me to collect my car key and I held her by the waist and told my uncle that she is the one I want to marry. He looked at me and said, “are you sure? I said I was very sure. He turned to her and asked her if I was her choice and she shyly said Yes.

    Tell us about the fashion side of the wedding, what are you wearing? A tuxedo or just normal suit?
    I am wearing a three piece suit and I have been exercising like mad for it to be able to fit.

    Which designer?
    I would rather celebrate our indigienious designers. But Vans kere is making my traditional outfit.

    What do you like wearing?
    I love wearing t-shirts, Polo shirts and jeans. Then sneakers when I am not shooting.

    You are rarely seen wearing suits, only in movies, why is that?
    I detest suits. I don’t like suits at all because it reminds me of school uniforms which I also hate. This was the reason I didn’t join the army or the air force. The uniform and their regulations that stops me from joining. I love their activities, how to shoot a gun and the combat.

    Since you are getting married, are there some roles you will give up acting?
    I have a step daughter and I keep asking my wife-to-be which of my movies has she seen. If it’s the one I was a bad guy or the ones where I am a good guy. So I thought about this question you just asked and I realized that I am like a role model to my family. My family would have to inform the roles I take on from now wards. I might not be going naked in any movies anytime soon. I don’t think I will give up being a bad guy in movies so far as it teaches something. But if will be vulgar, I would hands off

    You said you have a step daughter?
    Yes, Ijeoma has a daughter so I do have a step daughter.

    How many babies do you want? Would you like to have a full house?
    What? A full house? I only want to change pampers only once or two times. I love my quiet but I can mature and manage with two. Two children are enough.
    Another fear I have about having my own children is that they might take my personality.

    What is wrong with your personality?
    Oh you wouldn’t like how I was when I was growing up. I marked every wall in my parents house. I poured water at the back television sets. I look into the back of the television set to see what’s going on and a shout ‘oh! That’s fire, let’s put the fire out and I pour water’. I did things that I am afraid of seeing my own children do.

    You are bidding farewell to single life and ladies who have crush on you, Any special message for them?
    What ladies? I only know one and that’s my wife to be. To any other female out there who may think they missed out because they were not with me, I will tell them ‘I am not that much of a catch’. Trust God to choose your partner for you. You will find better men than me. I learned that from my personal experience.

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